In order to make it easier for you to book your stay at the Hotel Roškar, we have summarized information and instructions on how to book by redeeming tourist vouchers. Please have all the necessary documents on arrival.
A tourist voucher is a credit in the information system of the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, held by any person who had PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN SLOVENIA on 13 March 2020 and can be redeemed at providers of tourist services for accommodation or bed and breakfast in Slovenia .
Vouchers can be redeemed from 19 June to 31 December 2020.
Who is the beneficiary of the voucher?
This is a person with permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia on 13 March 2020:
- An adult or a person who will turn 18 in 2020 is entitled to a voucher of 200€
- A minor (born after 2002) is entitled to a voucher in the amount of 50€
Can another person redeem the voucher instead of the beneficiary?
The voucher for a minor beneficiary is redeemed for him by his parents or legal guardians or another person to whom the minor beneficiary is entrusted with the care and upbringing by a decision of the competent authority and who actually takes care of the minor beneficiary (eg a foster parent).
The voucher is transferable between relatives in the same line up to the second generation (grandparents, parents, children, children of the spouse or common-law partner, grandchildren), between spouses and common-law partners, between partners in a concluded or unmarried partnership, between children and their spouses, if they are not parents. According to the law, transfer between siblings is not possible.
Where can I use the voucher?
The provider of services in the field of tourism in the Republic of Slovenia where the voucher is redeemed is a business entity entered on 13 March 2020 in the Business Register of the Republic of Slovenia and in the register of accommodation establishments maintained by AJPES and performing activities according to the Standard Classification:
– Hotels and other similar accommodation,
– Holiday homes and resorts,
– Tourist farms with rooms,
– Renting private rooms to guests,
– Mountain lodges and youth hostels,
– Other short-term accommodation
– Camping activities.
If you book an overnight stay on our website, before completing the reservation in a “Request” box, be sure to write that you want to use a Tourist Voucher.
The stay with the tourist voucher is paid upon arrival at the reception of the accommodation. The voucher can only be redeemed for accommodation or accommodation with breakfast. All additional services (dinners, lunches, pub services…) are chargeable
We look forward to your stay
The beneficiary of the voucher is a person residing in the REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA